Scientists Call on All Seasons Hire for Cooling Expertise

When a top ten UK University installed a particle collider, they turned to us for advice on cooling various circuits within the machine. The faculty provides cutting edge research across the world and approached All Seasons Hire following a previous successful long term hire
Being a complete one off, some of the cooling loads were unknown and needed to be calculated by our experts in conjunction with the on site design team. As well as cooling jackets, the collider contained several vacuum pumps plus heat exchangers together with a de-mineralisation plant. Once flow rates and cooling duties had been agreed, All Seasons Hire provided a bespoke 50kW chiller on a long term hire giving the flexibility to change up should they increase the particle colliders capacity in the future.

Bespoke cooling solutions available for short and long term hires

In house design and specification team

Process chillers from 10kW to Multi MW

24/7 availability and 365 service back up

Equipment provided by the UK’s largest cooling specialist


Full design and project management provides seamless installation

Peace of mind from our “right first time” philosophy

Flexible hire packages that can change with your requirements

Clean, modern, reliable fleet from the UK’s cooling experts